DSL’s extensive range of Industrial serial, USB and Ethernet adapters are the most reliable way of communicating and controlling your equipment globally within an industrial
Observe our customer Conexio Software demonstrating the use of our ARCHMI Panel PC range, as part of their recipe and batching system which produces prestige coffee blends. The ARCHMI-712P
With new High Speed (HS) Rail and CrossRail projects evolving rapidly, DSL brings reliability, environmental efficiency and safety improvements to rail deployments. 9-36VDC input and
Observe DSL’s new open frame Industrial Display, fresh off the production line – the OPD-1XX6 range, available in 8″, 12.1″ and 15″. Surrounded by its steel
Don’t let poor client visibility hold your business back! Recognising the ‘needed it yesterday’ scenario ever present in our industry – DSL has massively expanded our UK stock
Uniquely, DSL bring customisations to low quantity (>10) deployments, our functional and aesthetic customisations give your clients exactly what they want. Specify your own I/O, any
Don’t be fooled by the false economy of commercial PCs where the consequences of failure are catastrophic. Industrial applications demand 24/7 reliability, made possible by 100%